
ESL korraldab näitusi, konverentse ja seminare, erialaseid konkursse, õppereise ning muid erialaga seonduvaid sündmusi ning sisearhitektide ühistegevust. Liit annab välja erialatrükiseid ja organiseerib muud tegevust, mis vastab liidu eesmärkidele.

Olulisemad sündmused on üldkogu, rahvusvaheline sisearhitektuuri ja ruumiloome sümpoosion SISU, aastapreemiate auhinnatseremoonia ning suveseminar koostöös Eesti Arhitektide Liidu ja Eesti Maastikuarhitektide Liiduga; ESLi akadeemia ja koostööseminarid, mis on ellu kutsutud erialase silmaringi avardamiseks; (bussi)reiside sari „Järgmine peatus“ ja õppereisid väljapoole Eestit.

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mai 2025

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Kuidas töötada inimkeskse valgustusega?

[kaart pealkiri=”Kuidas töötada inimkeskse valgustusega?”]

ESLi ja Fagerhult koostööseminar
26. aprill 2017, 18:00 – 21:00
Arsenal Keskus, Erika 14, Tallinn

Fagerhult Lighting Academy uurib valguse mõju inimesele, et luua valguslahendusi, mis aitavad meie kõigi elu meeldivamaks ning produktiivsemaks muuta.


[kaart pealkiri=”Seminari programm”]

18:00 – 18:10
Siim Saadoja, Fagerhult tegevjuht
Loreida Hein, ESL juhatuse liige

18:10 – 19:10
Henrik Clausen (Taani), Fagerhult Lighting Academy direktor

19:10 – 19:30
Robert Treufeldt, Castellum arhitektuuri-ajaloolane

19:30 – 20:00
Katrin Kaevats, Jaan Port, PIN Arhitektid

20:00 – 21:00


[kaart pealkiri=”Henrik Clausen”]

Seminari peaesineja Henrik Clausen on Fagerhult Lighting Academy juht, kes on töötanud valgusega kõikjal maailmas enam kui 25 aastat ning kelle kireks on valguse kohta kõike teada saada ning seda teadmist nendega, kes oma elukeskkonnast hoolivad, jagada.

WHY I do what I do:
In everything I do, I believe in adding value to people’s lives. I believe that knowledge about lighting should be shared by everyone.

HOW I do it:
The way I share my knowledge is by stepping down from the pedestal and speak the language of the truck driver instead of the language of the scientist.

WHAT I do:
I just happened to live a life filled with light. It became my passion when I started to understand, appreciate and even love what lighting can do for people. That’s why I give lectures all over the world – do you also want to learn more about lighting?

WHAT I want:
I want to be with people who believe what I believe:
That lighting can add tremendous values to our lives.

WHO do I work with:
I believe in working with the most innovative and creative people amongst Lighting Designers, Architects, Interior Designers, Lighting Engineers, Students, Pupils and End-users from all cultures around the world.

My Quest for Lighting excellence! – a personal story.
1980 was a year I’ll never forget. I had my first lighting experience! I was a young apprentice and my master gave me a pendant and told me to go and fix the lighting in the coffee room, at the local telephone company. I suspended the pendant over the coffee table, took a step back and saw the beauty. The beautiful product, the beautiful light, but most of all the beautiful smiles the telephone guys had on their faces looking at each other in a “brand new light.” They were chatting, smiling, laughing enjoying each other’s company – they were enjoying the light. On my way home that day I decided that I would work with lighting!

1983 I was two years in my study to become an electrical engineer, and I was a glowing pacifist – many of my fellow students hoped to get work within the weapon industry or the military, because that was where the big research money was! Instead I joined “Engineers for peace” and promised myself that I would never work within an industry that, in any way, harmed people.

1986 I wanted to do good for people, I wanted to work with lighting, I wanted to make people feel comfortable and that’s why I choose Discomfort Glare as the subject for my thesis at the university. People should not only have wonderful lighting they should enjoy all the benefits of lighting without having to worry about glare – I am still a “glare nerd” as I have kept this fascinating subject close to my heart all these years.

2009 I wrote “Light & Communication” my second book. In that book I put all my knowledge and all my love for lighting and what lighting can do for people – That’s what we are addressing today when we talk about “Human Centric Lighting” – Finally we are getting there; lighting is not for art, shops, streets or architecture – Lighting is for people – it’s as simple as that.
